This is a old, old mining town with about 500 residents who don't agree on much. Hopefully with the help of Clay Brown of the CO Dept. of Local Affairs, they will at least agree to clean up the place for those who care. I love this place but would love it more if it didn't look like such a ghetto.
Right after I shot this, Clay went to pet him and he ducked his hand and jumped out of the car and into traffic. Which was only one car going 20 mph about 2 blocks away. Please Jack, don't be an ass on assignment, or any where else for that matter.

The call him the Patron Saint of Victor.


Old mining town, just minutes up a hill they are still mining gold in a huge operation. Thats what keeps this town alive. This town has always been in Cripple Creek's shadow. Yes the bastard step-sister of Cripple Creek.

A sign for a medical marijuana dispensary, opens in July.
Nice guy John and his pooch Josh hanging out.

Victor Ave. The kids go to school in nearby Cripple Creek since the school closed a decade ago.

The decay.
On another note,
And the award goes to.........

Bubba, who is now realizing hard work does pay off.
LOVE the picture of Jack...the first of many great pics of him, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe, he's a good subject