yes sir. In-laws are on their way in town. I am going to try my absolute hardest to be the best I can be. I know, drink lots of wine and agree with everyone. Cause who doesn't like an agreeable lush?
I should probably fess-up and say I mixed up sulfate-free wine to mean alcohol-free wine and I had me a bit of the red wine headache this morning. Guess the sulfates don't count against the hang over. That plus I woke up twice in the night to get a drink so I am thinking there's something to say about alcohol disturbing sleep. Only had a few, half ,nearly a full, ok, two thirds a bottle, whoops.
A little excitement this morning. Bank robbery in the Cage of Fear area, shots fired no one hurt.
Which way did he go?

Shot fired into this truck at the driver after the robber tried to jack it. Their would have been a shit stain on the seat if I was in that truck.

A 7 year-old kid gave all his birthday gifts to his cardiologist's office. Cool. I wonder if the Doc will stay and play after hours ?

More cupcakes....

Yummy!! I'll admit I ate one, one. How could I not, Kahlua frosting.
A friend of mine sent me this. Her friend shot this in her backyard. A bear family using her Grandson's play area. Cute but dangerous.
WTF bumper sticker I saw at the Zoo. No it's not my car.
Survivor was a riot. The fish fry was stupendous. I was hoping the tables would turn on the Villians.
Kentucky Derby and partay tomorrow we're all excited! It's supposed to be a wet track so hope the horses run safe. Have a good weekend!!!!!! C.
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