"Jack the Lucky Dog" is my daughter's child's book she created for English class. It's a real cute story about how a dog escapes abuse to find a nice family complete with a bed, food and love. Her teacher said she wouldn't be surprised if she was published before leaving high school. Maybe she'll start in middle school.
Conversation with my son last night:
son: Mom don't give me anymore money I just lose it.(gave him $15 for field trip)
me: really? how much did you lose?
son: not sure, over five dollars
me: well could it be anywhere else (he's looking through his pockets)
son: yeah on the ground at school, I guess I need a wallet.
me: I don't think so.
son: why?
me: you'd lose it.
son: Yeah you're right. (laughs)
then I thought of a wallet with those huge chains attached to his jeans. Made me laugh cause he's not the he- man type, not that that's a bad thing.

Well yesterday I left you all bitchy about my amatuer attempt on hair coloring. I have an appointment to fix it Sat. I will keep it darker but add some of the blonder color in, hopefully it will not look overly processed. I ran into a salon and talked with a stylist and broke down crying. She said "honey we've all made that mistake here and we won't chastise." I said, "Thanks"

I don't know why this type is blue, but fuck it I don't have time to fight with it. Anyway I did the follow-up photography on the Penrose Room at the Broadmoor receiving five stars from Forbes formally Mobil. This is big stuff folks. There's only maybe a dozen other restaurants that receive this rating. At first I was all "oh those rich bitches, I'll never eat there, too rich for my blood", but after spending sometime there yesterday I really want to experience this. It's on the bucket list even though I don't officially have a bucket list. A three course meal is $72.00 and four is $78.00 and the have wine by the glass for about $15 so I could do that. Not anytime soon,however.
cute bartender

Love me some good wine. I would love to earn the title Sommelier.

Lobster salad appetizer
View of the rest of the Broadmoor from the dining room. Looks like Gorsky Park with the sun set, but trust me this is a fabulous place.
Just got a package from my old friend Travis currently living in Baton Rouge. Addressed to : Princess Guinta-vier. How funny, but just stopped home for lunch and edit so no time to open it. Tell you later about the contents, my cats owieeee, and other trails and tribulations.
Looking forward to the Survivor evening. Hope you are entertained as well. C.
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