Thursday, September 6, 2012

The west is the best.

Annual Labor Day Camp out-  Trout Creek Pass

  We have all camped together for so long we get into rehashing events from 20 years ago. That makes for a lot of questions of newcomers. That is a good thing because the memories are fading and worn out, so retelling them makes us get our stories straight. That and the endorphins from laughing are cancer fighting agents.
   We make some new adventures as well. We ate, we drank, we sang, we joked, went on ATV rides, played washers, laughed and went to sleep too late, all to do it all again the next day. Not much of an edit, just some snaps as in snapshots:



More eating 

 Hugged and ate

It was Clay's 37th birthday.

 His mother, Peggy was in to visit from Texas, she was a real cool lady.

 The twins were excited about the cake and candles.


Chase was the only teen to make the trip and we all enjoy his comapny.

We managed to do some sitting around.


Notice the technique

My friends Pam, left and Bryan came from Morrison. In the center is Joe.

Cabbage can be a risky choice, however it goes well with corned beef

Eating again.

Kid's table

Big guy's table


Pam made some fabulous fresh-squose (new word) margarita's.

 We sure can eat.

and eat...

Kid's table with Dave G.

 Greg and Turkle
 Grandma and her girls.

Getting ice cream.

Jack begging from Pam.

 Tommy plays guitar

  Bob getting down.

Singing at the fire is my favorite thing about camping.

 portraits with Sue

 It was on his bucket list

 Camping twins

 Peggy and her grandkids


  1. Nice article and thank your valuable information and I wish you luck

  2. Loved your blog and pics! Love YOU Carol Lawrence Guinta!

  3. Loved your blog and pics! Love YOU Carol Lawrence Guinta!


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