Wednesday, October 20, 2010

That's what I call sleep

I woke up in a big hurry about a half hour ago, before that I was dreaming..... First I was photographing David Bromberg in some kind of studio with a large piano.  He wouldn't listen to my direction and then went and kissed another band member goodbye to let me know he was gay.  I am pretty sure he is not.  I went on to dream that I was on an Easter Egg assignment for the paper and they had sent three photographers to cover it and when the event started I could not find my camera.  I felt I was being sabotaged, but no one would help me find it and a guy from work came in and they were all talking about a Christmas Party that I was not invited to. Total alienation. Then.... I was riding a chair lift above Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City.  It was a beautiful,  It had all been built up with recreation sites along the river.  I had no camera though; remember I lost it earlier. Whew.  I think it's all because I am worried about literally loosing my camera.

This past weekend I had a friend come in town for a Broadmoor convention.  She came over to catch the Bronco game with the gang and then Mags and I dropped by to spend the evening where she was staying.  We got silly and reminisced about the good old days of River Street in Lake Placid when we were kids. Like the time I threw a hammer at my sister and the time we rolled down a hill in the dog house.  You know typical kid stuff.  We all managed to survive.

The closest we came to swimming, we ended up chatting in the bar eating apps.

Even Mags was laughing.

Well gotta go have a good day.  Keep your eye on our camera.

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