First off remember last weekend. I know, me neither. I do remember Saturday photographing my guitar teacher's wedding. Mo and Nita. He had a Native American ceremony that was very sweet and genuine. I have not given him the images yet because I have 333 to go through and crop,brighten ect., because nothing goes out of my hands without looking the best they can.
There's a reason I am not a wedding photographer. It's a lot of work and I am never one to shy away from work, but it's not really what I'd like to do. A good one gets real stylized at it and photographs many of them and gets it down fast. And you have to be the leader of the whole damn show. A real people person. And make those photos happen, documentation style of coarse.
Anyway after the wedding event I changed gears and clothes real fast and went to the east-side of town to Kwapy's tacky tourist party. It's been forever since I've been to one, but the west-side made a fine showing, if I don't say so, which I already said so.
Joe and Sharon, Sharon had the best outfit. She even gave herself the ever tourist-popular sunburn.
John and Cyn showed sporting their Hawaiian shirts and other pieces of tourist flair.
The funny-guy-host himself and his lovely daughter, Amber who kept the dance floor going.
Sharon snapped my sexy old lady drinking photo with her glasses.
I snapped this one of her. Those glasses were the bomb.
G2 and Dave Hill with their hats and socks.
This neighbor lady was an awesome dancer who taught Zumba, which BTW I have recently taken up. I will, I will, I will lose this weight and will ski this year.

There was a lot of sock and sandal action.

John was talking with some of the east-side natives. Most of them were named John, Bill and Chris.

Sharon rocked the dance floor.
We had a great time. After looking around we agreed that any of the clothes could be seen at any west-side party. Maybe not socks and sandals but we all wear miss-matched clothes and an occasional hat.
When we all got back to the zipcode we had a few more at the Russel's cause we could.
We're getting ready to go camping for Labor Day. G2's already left with Jack. This house is so quite and dead without old Jackie around.
I really need to get out of town, drink and howl at the moon. I just got to keep everything in perspective and remember what Buddah teaches, ....I am my only master.
That was a fun party! I guess the west was the best! I'm sorry work's becoming a bummer. Dammit.