Cowboy tombstone:
Two things I love the most,good horses and beautiful women and when I die I hope they tan this old hide of mine and make it a ladies riding saddle so I can rest in peace between the two things I love the most.

1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home,
who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2.. It's important to have a woman, who can make you
3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust
and who doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed
and who likes to be with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women
do not know each other
I worked like a DOG in my front garden both Saturday and Sunday. Of coarse, everyone and their fricken mother stops their car to say I should take a break or "it's looking good." I just wanted to be completely unnoticed since I took no steps to personal hygiene before getting dirtier that you can imagine. Yesterday this white-hair, I think she must of been in her eighties with no business driving a motor vehicle, stopped to get directions to the Garden of the Gods which is two turns of about 100 yards and your there. Anyway she couldn't get the directions straight and I said "up a dirt hill" which freaked her out cause she said "how long is the mud hill?" and I said,"don't worry you'll be fine", and I could tell this was too much for her and I wanted to jump in my car and say "follow me " but I was busy and dirty so she probably lost the gusto to drive in the park which means I probably saved a lot of people from doing 10 mph in a 25 mph zone.
Broncos tomorrow night vs Chargers, should be a good game and tonight Cutler and Da Bears take on the Falcons, Bears should win.
Before I forget: Survivor Thursday very fun per usual and good food too,Thanks. Denise's birthday and by far the best gift she got was this plastic cube full of ketchup packets wrapped in a chain with a lock on it. A note inside said something like "open in case of emergencies only" She got a small key to the lock. She is a very, very, very, big ketchup lover that puts it on EVERYTHING even chicken ect. She's said she has run out and made Noel go to the store so she could eat. Funny. Anyway Survivor was the eating gross stuff show and Ashley lost it for Foa Foa cause she couldn't keep down slug guts so she was voted off. I don't think I could of kept that shit down either. I think the leader Russel should get the boot for picking pillows instead of tarps since it's been raining cats and dogs for about a week. He's just arrogant and I can't stand him.
Last night went over to Joe and Sharon's for a very nice time watching the Monterey Pop festival. Very groovy. It was fun to see the bands back in the day. Pete Townsend broke his guitar on stage and and not to be outdone by Pete, Jimi Hendrix humped his guitar then set it on fire. Good music and good friends Friday too as they stopped by our house to play guitar, so good weekend.
Bronco Monday for all local friends stop by..ta ta C.
We had a good time, too!