Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slumber Sunday

I'll admit I was fairly useless today.

Just a bit hung over and generally tired out.

So I did a lot of TV watching and computer stalking.

Anyway we went over to our friends and neighbor's last night for a
soiree to welcome their daughters' home. One from Austin, one from Durango. I apologize for not bringing my good camera. So here's a shitty camera snap. Someone said they'd sent me some of their photos from a camera. We had a great time. They sure know how to do it up.

Noel also announced he got his job back as fire chief at his station. That was a very happy moment with lots of cheering. Congrats, Noel.

Mags played at a school district violin competition earlier.  She got a superior ribbon

This was her practicing. She said I would make her too nervous to watch her play in front of the judges.

She looked like the CEO of something walking down those halls, all tall in her pencil skirt. All the other kids looked like, well, children.

Last weekend Joe, Greg and I plus Tramp and Jack walked up Red Mtn in Manitou.  My knee held up good but it was sore after.

It's just about as high as the incline across the street with a killer view.  About 1 1/2 miles up.

The dogs wouldn't face the camera. they're waiting for treats.

Here's a funny I found during my computer stalking earlier.

Have a great week. And quit googling yourself... C,

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